
Pest Control Bedbugs

cimex lectularius

Distribution and habitat of bedbugs

Bedbugs are found worldwide and throughout Britain
They are becoming a lot more common in hotels and the likes of hostel accommodation.
Bedbugs are very good at hiding in furniture and structural cracks and crevices and will emerge at night to feed on blood meals.

Biology of Bedbugs

Female bedbugs attaches up to 200 eggs to a structure around its host they are small white and capped, 4 to 5 eggs will be produced per day. The ideal temperature for bedbugs must remain above 10 to 13 Celsius for the eggs to hatch.
This will result in the production of bedbug nymphs which have a strong resemblance to the adults. Bedbugs moult around five times to reach a fully developed adult. This can take from a few weeks to several months depending on conditions and food supply.

All stages of nymphs will feed on blood. Including humans & animals like dogs cats and also rodents. Bedbugs are mainly nocturnal when active and will take around 10 minutes when feeding on their host.
They can ingest up to 7 times their own body weight in blood at one meal sitting but can also go for pro long periods without. Bedbug adults can survive without feeding for up to 1 year but if conditions are suitable several generations per year are also possible.

Importance of treatment for bedbugs

Bedbugs are not known to be carriers of disease but there bites can create an unpleasant irritation of the skin and can also cause the host to become anaemic.

Bedbug Control and treatment strategy

Our pest control technicians carry out thorough CCTV survey for bedbugs to identify the extent of the infestation.
Good indicators are smears and spots of excrement that will be around the harbourage. Our pest control experts look for eggs for egg cases that will be also visible.

Our technicians will carry out residual treatments and insecticidal dusts around bed frames skirting boards, wall switches and any other areas of concern. We also use flushing aerosols to bring bedbugs more into contact with the treatment.
We advise bedding materials including the mattress and the bed should be disposed of if the infestation has been well established. We generally advise 2 repeat bedbug treatments to achieve a successful result.

Pest control Pre-treatment advice for Bedbugs

Hoover all areas before our pest control team arrive on site, we advise no hoovering for up to 2-3 weeks after the bedbug treatment has been applied.

All clothes must be washed and soft teddies. You will need to be out of the property whilst the bedbug treatment takes place for at least 3 hours, also remove fish tanks and pets our pest control team will help if required