Pigeons nesting under solar panels
Pigeons nesting under solar panels

Our pest control bird team arrived at a property in Warrington to find pigeons nesting under solar panels. This can be a regular nesting place for many types of birds. Warrington properties have many solar panels and birds will eventually seek them out.

Damage caused by Pigeons to properties and solar panels in Warrington

It doesn’t take long for your home and solar panels to become damaged by birds. Below are listed just a few issues caused by birds nesting around your home in Warrington .

  1. Gutters and drainage systems  become clogged up from a build up of bird faeces. This can lead to flooding and water damage to property.
  2. Electronic cables and components can become damaged over time as pigeons move around under solar panels constructing their nests.
  3. Pigeon faeces produces ammonia and can damage materials. Stone will decay and become porous in your Warrington property.
  4. The acidic nature of bird faeces also encourages the growth of fungi that accelerates the physical breakdown of stone.
  5. Copper, aluminium, iron and zinc fittings can be damaged by bird droppings.
  6. Bird droppings can damage paintwork on vehicles if not removed quickly.

Insect and mite infestations in Warrington

Urban birds carry a number of blood sucking parasites that live on them and in their nests.

  1. Martin bugs
  2. Bird mites
  3. Pigeon fleas

Feathers, droppings and dead birds also attract a variety of other insects For example, Fur Beetle, Carpet Beetle, Larder Beetle, Plaster Beetle, Biscuit Beetle, Common Housefly, Lesser Housefly, Brown House Moth and the White Shouldered House Moth.

All of these insects can enter your property and infest fabrics, stored food etc.

Reasons for pigeon control in Warrington

Health and safety is an important factor to consider when controlling birds. Pigeons are affected by more than 110 pathogens (8 viruses, 55 fungi, 41 types of bacteria and 6 protozoa). Consequently, it is best to ask the experts at pestcontrol.me.uk to tackle your pigeon problem.

Pigeons nesting under solar panels. If your getting woken up by pigeons under your solar panels, Speak to a member of the team 💭

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